Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My first Dance

I was listening to the song "I can only Imagine" as I was blogging earlier. It brought back a flood of memories. The way God brought dance and flags in my life was pretty amazing in itself. I of all people who never imagine that I would dance in front of people in church! But God did so much in my life and I was so Thankful He had received me back and wiped my slate completly clean. I was overjoyed! Well I was drawn to the flags as I wasnot sure what they were and wow were they pretty and when I watched as they were used I could literally feel the atmosphere change.

So I studied on them, my friend put one in my hand and I had no idea what to do with it! You would think you'd know but No I didnot know! LOL I kept studying, researching, it was drawing me to know everything I could on it. The Bible was full of scriptures on Flags, Dance,Tambourines. Then I began studying the History of it and meanings.

So In 2004 at a Women's retreat...now keep in mind I had NEVER Danced in front of People before..was asked to do a prophetic dance for our women. I wanted to say NO but I knew in my spirit I was suppose to! I wasnot sure which song or even what to do...My friend Amanda and I were talkin one day about all this and I said "Amanda I have no idea which song" Amanda says " I can Only Imagine I wouldnot know either" we Both Paused and then we laughed We both knew which song!!!

So I danced to I Can Only Imagine and it was Amazing HOW God took over!! He is Lord of The Dance! He had me doing moves I know I cannot do on my own and He spoke to all of us in a special way. For me it broke such a Burden of shyness and shame off of me! I was able to express my gratitude to god in a physical way that spoke much louder than words. I am not a very talkative person but I am a deep thinker and I have always danced but never in church or in front of anyone. So This was a way I could connect with God.

Since It has kept on...not much in the last year due to a move and a new baby...but my heart still loves it. I after that first dance was free in my spirit and I began using flags and hoops in my worship. It grew and grew and now I share that openly with anyone who wants to learn.

I began making my own and I felt to open up my webstore Jehovahsworship (Jehovah meaning God ) to help others and to equip others to be free in worship and Thankfulness to God! Another way of expressing themselves! We are all different and creative arts in worship is a wonderful way for an outward expression of what's going on in the heart.

This picture isnot the very first dance cause I don't have those pics but this pic is of the 2nd prophetic dance I did but there has NEVER been a dance that compared to that very first time!

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